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clowness | street performer | juggler | tap dancer

Milan Clown Festival 2020
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Since 2013, Gaia Matulli has been working as a solo street artist, creating her first show "Boero", with which she has toured the squares of Italy and Spain, also participating in festivals in Europe and Argentina.


In 2019, she created a new show, "Hit My Heart!", which has taken her to perform at numerous festivals around the world.


In 2020, the show won the Audience Award at the Milano Clown Festival.


In cabarets, Gaia presents two eccentric clown acts: "Hether", a performance of hat juggling, and "Gaia Ma Orkestra", a musical clown performance.


She is a member of the Duo JeNga Company, which debuted the show "Déjà-vù" at the Pagliacce Festival in 2023, and is part of the Italian network Pagliacce, founded in 2020 to promote the figure of the Clowness in Italy.

Gaia Ma, aka Gaia Matulli, is a versatile artist and performer.

From a young age, she has had a strong passion for drawing and painting, studying restoration and decorative painting in high school, and later pursuing painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna.

However, it was in Bologna that she discovered juggling and clowning, leading her to attend a clown course with Giorgio Formenti in Modena, an encounter that would become a pivotal moment in her life.

She decided to move to Turin, where she studied at the Physical Theater School of Philip Radice from 2010 to 2013, while also deepening her clown studies with various teachers.

Since 2009, Gaia has trained with renowned clown masters such as Giorgio Formenti, Jean Mening, Philip Hottier, Loco Brusca, Fanny Girardau, Antonio Vilela, Rita Pelusio, and Laura Hertz.

In 2014, she moved to Barcelona, where she broadened her artistic repertoire by studying tap dance, swing dance, and contemporary dance, continuing to experiment and refine her art through new disciplines.

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Titirimundi _ Zegobia (Spain)

Mini Art Fest _ Sofia (Bulgaria)

Fire de Tarrega _ Tarrega (Spain)

La Mantis teatrito _ Ezeiza (Buenos Aires)


Equilibi Festival _ Casalecchio di Reno (Italy)

Non Solo Clown _ Monza (Italy)

Fire de Tarrega _ Tarrega (Spain)


Zookünstler Festival _ Munster (Germany)

Somiabarrets Fest ArtsEscèniques _ Querol (Spain)

BaBa Rum _ Volano (Italy)

Plasterspektakel _ Linz (Austria)

Effetto Venezia _ Livorno (Italy)

FestInValtiberina _ Umbertide (Italy)

BarBacàn _ Verona (Italy)

32° Festa in Broccaindosso _ Bologna (Italy)

Clown & Clown _ Montesangiusto (Italy)

Faenza Buskers _ Faenza (Italy)


Ex-Melle Festival degli Artisti di Strada_ Genova (Italy)

Asfaltart _ Merano (Italy)

Stresa Buskers Festival _ Stresa (Italy)

StreetArtRiva _ Biella (Italy)

Buskers di Classe _ Lido di Classe (Italy)

Effetto Venezia _ Livorno (Italy)

La Notte Nera _ Livigno (Italy)

Notte Gialla _ Colle Val D'Elsa, Pisa (Italy)

Pisa Buskers Festival _ Pisa (Italy)

Bergamo Buskers _ Bergamo (Italy)

Faenza Buskers Festival _ Faenza (Italy)

Siam Festival _ Bangokok (Thailandia)



TechFest _ Bombay (India)

Mestre Carnival Street Show _ Mestre (Italy)

BuskerBus _Wroklav, Zielona Gora, Krotosnyk (Poland)

Predappio Buskers _ Predappio (Italy)

Tutti Matti per Colorno _ Colorno (Italy)

Milano Clown Festival _ Milano (Italy)


Open Street _Mantova (Italy)

Festival v ulìvic _ Ostrava (Cech Republic)

Urbana Lubjana _ Lubiana (Slovenia)

Festival Immaginaria _ Calazo di Cadore (Italy)

Rassegna Figuriamoci _(Duo Jenga)_  Fonsazo (Italy)

Compiano Buskers _ Borgo di Compiano  (Italy)

Carpenedolo Buskers _ (Italy)

Bliss Beat Festival _ Saddezio (Italy)

Dinamico in Collina _ Reggio Emilia_ (Italy)

Senza Fili, Pinocchio Street Festival _ Collodi (Italy)

Lathi Fringe _ Lathi (Finland)

Over Ball _ Civitella del Tronto (Italy)


Hut Festival _ Chemnitz (Germany)

Turda Internacional Thaeatre Fest _ Turda  (Romania)

Instabile Culture In Movimento _ Firenze (Italy)

Festa dei Colori _ Maron di Brugnera (Italy)

Fiera delle Ciarlatane _ Grizzana Moranfi (Italy)

Eco Fest _ Verona (Italy)

Plasterspektakel _ Linz (Austria)

Just For Fun _ Darmstadt _ (Germany)

Micro Festival _ Dortmound _ (Germany)

Ferrara Buskers Festival _ Ferrara (Italy)

Apolide Drops _ Rueglio (Italy)

Appennini in Circo_ Badi (Italy)

Stardust Festival _ Settimo Torinese (Italy)

Rubano Street Festival _ Rubano _(Italy)

Teatro Spritz _ Verona (Italy)

Teatro Improbabile_ Noale (Italy)

Sa Ruga _ Cagliari (Italy)


Keidagen _Lochem (Holland)

Kleinklusten Festival _ Usedom (Germany)

Attraversamenti Multipli _ Toffia (Italy)

Buskers Tour _ Josefow e Zary (Poland)

Jahninselfest _ Regensburg (Germany)

Street Music Festival _ Satu Mare (Rumania)

Apolide Festival _ Torino (Italy)

International Street Theater Festival _ Ludwigshafen am Rein (Germany)

Festival International des Artistes de rue _ Vevey (Switzerland)

H.C. Andersen Festival _ Odense (Denmark)

Nokiss _ Herzogenburg (Austria)

Pflastrerzauber _ Hildesheim (Germany)

Internacional Clown Festival _ Bangalore (India)

Festival de Teatro de Calle _ Santa Fe de Antioquia (Colombia)


Passi e Crinali _ Legnago (Italy)

Aufgetischt St. Gallen _ St. Gallen (Switzerland)

La Piazzetta _ Bassum (Germany)

La Risa Festival _ Luchow (Germany)

Love Festival _ Scandiano (Italy)

Asfaltart _ Merano (Italy)

La Notte delle Streghe _ S. Giovanni in Marignano (Italy)

MolinArte Festival _ Molina di Fiemme (Italy)

Mercato _ Mercato Mall Dubai (Emitates)

Le Mardi de Saint Nazaire le Désèrt _ (France)

Wonderland _ Paese (Italy)

Reset Festival _Fener (Italy)

Non Solo Clown _ Monza (Italy)

Borghi Maestri _ Monte Vidon (Italy)

Circus Crazy Festival _ Soignes (Belgium)

Zirkulum _ Greifswald (Germany)

Frincandò _ Correggio (Italy)

Epicentrico _San Giorgio di Nogaro (Italy)

Festival Incredibile _ Soragna (Italy)

Internacional Clown Festival _ (India)

​2025.. tour in progress..

30/5 KLP _ (Germany)

4/6 KLP _ (Germany)

6-7/06 Buskers Chur (Swizeland)

18-19/07 GirovagArte _ Sonico (Italy)

30-31/08 Busker Tour ,Zdunska Wola _ (Poland)


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